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Ki Ti•sâ 5th Eve

The Bᵊrit

Spring-Summer, year 2 following c B.C.E. ; Area From Rᵊphid•im South To Har Sin•ai

Mōsh•ëh perceived é‑‑ä continuing,

Par•ōh (c BCE1504-1483, about the time of the Yᵊtzi•âh when Mōsh•ëh etched the Two Lūkh•ōt of A•sërët ha-Dᵊvâr•im) Khat-shepset obelisk at Karnak (Luxor), Egypt

“Watchguard yourself concerning what I’m commanding you today! Here I am, chasing-out from before you the Ë•mor•i who have migrated from Syria, the Kᵊna•an•im of the Levant, the Khit•im who have invaded from W. Turkey, the Pᵊriz•im Bedouin nomads, the Khiv•im who have infiltrated from Southern Lebanon and the Yᵊvus•im who inhabit the Yᵊru•shâ•layim area. Watchguard yourself lest you carve-out a bᵊrit with the settlers of -ârëtz toward which you’re coming; lest they become a snare in your midst.

“Instead, in -ârëtz, you must pull-down their mi•zᵊbakh•ōt, break each of their obelisks and cut-down its a•shᵊr•âh. (For you shall not prostrate yourself to a different eil because “Zealous” is ha-Sheim of é‑‑ä; He is ‘Zealous Eil ’.) Lest you carve-out a bᵊrit with the settlers in -ârëtz and they slut after their ël•ōh•im and sacrifice to their ël•ōh•im—then they call you and you eat of their sacrifice, and your sons intermarry with their daughters. Then when their daughters slut after their ël•ōh•im they cause your sons to slut after their ël•ōh•im.

“Don’t make for yourself any ël•ōh•im-mask.

The Three Annual Khaj•im

Khag 1. ha-Matz•ot
Ërëv Day 1: Pësakh & The Seidër

Soft Matzah
Soft îÇöÌÈä

“You must watchguard Khag ha-Matz•ot: Seven days you shall eat matz•ōt — as I commanded you: at the Mō•eid in the month beginning spring; because it was in the month beginning spring that you made Yᵊtzi•âh out of Mi•tzᵊrayim.

Every male that breaks-open the womb is Mine. You shall remember this for all of your livestock, whether the womb-breaker is an ox or a sëh. If the womb-breaker is a donkey then ti•phᵊdëh it with a sëh. If you don’t ti•phᵊdëh it with a sëh then break its neck!

Click to enlarge Pësakh Seidër Table, Tei•mân•i Style

“You must also ti•phᵊdëh every bᵊkhōr of your bân•im. No one devoid of pidᵊyōn may appear to My Face.

You shall work six days! But on the seventh day, ti•Shᵊbōt. Whether it’s plowing time or harvest time — ti•Shᵊbōt!

2. Khag ha-Shâvū•ōt & 3. Khag -•siph

“You must do your Khag ha-Shâvū•ōt (the first-crop of the wheat harvest) as well as Khag -•siph season, annually.

“Three times per year shall each of your males appear to the Face of hâ-•dōn é‑‑ä, ël•ōh•ei Yi•sᵊr•â•eil. For I will enlarge your borders by stifling-out the goy•im from before you, so that no ish shall desire your ërëtz during your a•liy•âh to appear to the Face of é‑‑ä your ël•ōh•im three times per year.

“Don’t ti•shᵊkhat the dâm of My zëvakh Khag ha-Pësakh over khâ•meitz; neither may any of My zëvakh Khag ha-Pësakh be left-over the next morning.

“The choicest first-crops of your a•dâm•âh shall you bring to Beit é‑‑ä your ël•ōh•im.

“The Khaj•im are the times when throngs of Diaspora khajniks visit Yᵊru•shâ•layimYou shall not boil the kid in the çÂìÅá of its mother!

Then é‑‑ä said to Mōsh•ëh,

“Write down for yourself these speakings because I have carved-out a bᵊrit with you, and with Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, in accordance with these speakings.”

Etching The Bᵊrit Into The Two Lūkh•ōt

2-3 Of The A•sërët ha-Dᵊvâr•im/​Side, Obverse & Reverse

Mōsh•ëh remained there with é‑‑ä for 40 days and 40 nights, during which he neither ate lëkhëm nor drank mayim, and he etched into the stone lūkh•ōt the speakings of the bᵊrit: A•sërët ha-Dᵊvâr•im.

keraunographic lightning tree fern-leaf feathering
Click to enlargeKeraunographic rays, or beams (arborescent erythema)—radiating from a lightning strike — often temporary (lasting a few days), fern-leaf feathering tree following epidermal blood vessels. (photo NBC)

So it was, in Mōsh•ëh’s descending from Har Sin•ai, with the two stone lūkh•ōt of -Eid•ūt, as he was descending from ha- har Mōsh•ëh didn’t realize that the skin of his face displayed radiating-rays as he was speaking with Him.

Now, when A•ha•rōn and all of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil saw Mōsh•ëh, Look! The skin of his face displayed radiating-rays! And they were too awe-stricken to approach him.

So Mōsh•ëh called them, and A•ha•rōn and all of the nᵊsiy•im in the Eid•âh returned to him. Then Mōsh•ëh spoke to them. Afterward, all of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil also approached him and he commanded them everything that é‑‑ä had spoken to him on Har Sin•ai.

The whole time that Mōsh•ëh was speaking with them he provided a mask over his face, but when Mōsh•ëh came before é‑‑ä to speak with Him, he removed the veil until he exited.

When he exited, he spoke to Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil as he was commanded. And Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil saw Mōsh•ëh’s face, that the skin of his face displayed radiating-rays. So Mōsh•ëh returned the veil on his face until he came to speak with é‑‑ä.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Where (on a globe) is Syria? The Levant? Turkey? Lebanon? Yᵊru•shâ•layim?

  2. Who are the Bedouin?

  3. 34.12, Prohibition against making a bᵊrit with geir•im (resident aliens) — First, it’s essential to point out that any individual (but not a group) geir(•âh) is encouraged to embrace the Ta•na"kh bᵊrit with é‑‑ä; after which (s)he is a Yi•sᵊr•â•eil•i(t), no longer a geir(•âh). What is prohibited here is the government of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil making any agreement, alliance or pact with any internal or domestic group who aren’t Ta•na"kh-centric to be citizens of Israel. Thus, while Ta•na"kh permits foreigners of religions other than Judaism to visit Israel on limited temporary business trips or vacation tours, any agreement for Christians, Muslims or other religious groups to live within Israel as citizens is prohibited and invalid. Return to textRainbow Rule

  4. 34.15 This prohibition extends to prohibit eating any food for which a blessing or prayer has been recited to any ël•ōh•im beside é‑‑ä. To be clear, food over which a blessing or prayer has been recited “in the name of Jesus ” (“the Son”, et al.) is prohibited as tâ•reiphReturn to textRainbow Rule

  5. 34.17 This not only prohibits wearing a godmask (making yourself [to be] a godmask, the prohibition includes making a godmask to sell (sometimes argued by Jewish profiteers to be excluded from the prohibition), since it is possessed by the maker until it is sold (ergo, for yourself) and, even if the materials were provided and owned by another, it would be “yours” (in your custody) until finished and handed over. Return to textRainbow Rule

  6. 34.28 — This account has long been treated as a fairytale because, anthropomorphic supernaturalism aside, no man can survive on a desert mountaintop without water for 40 days.

    In Biblical times, numbers were used with a double meaning, often more about cryptic meaning than counting. Find the solution, however, under the heading “40” in my Biblical Numerology, Decoding Biblical Meanings in Numbers & Ancient Mathematics as an unspecified “long time”, and where see as well, its components “04” (as points of the compass and dimensions describing the universe) and “10” (as the tetraktys circumscribing Yi•sᵊr•â•eil. Together, this use of the number “40” describes 10 mi•tzᵊwōt for Yi•sᵊr•â•eil over the numerologically-appropriate 4 days and nights. Return to textRainbow Rule

  7. 34.29 ÷ÈøÇï Return to text

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Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does “devoid” mean?

Rainbow Rule © 1996-present by Paqid Yirmeyahu Ben-David,

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