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Pᵊqūd•ei 1st Eve (Mō•tzâ•ei Shab•ât Beginning Week)

Pâ•qid Mōsh•ëh

Ca. 12thmonth (Late Winter), ; South From Rᵊphid•im To Har Sin•ai

Sinai Yetziah El Arish Har Karkom Har Sinai Midbar Paran
Click to enlarge Sin•ai, Yᵊtzi•âh Route, El Arish, Har Kar•kōm (i.e. Har Sin•ai), Mi•dᵊbar Pa•ran

These are the pᵊqūd•ei ha-Mi•shᵊkân, Mi•shᵊkân -Eid•ūt, which pū•qad by the mouth of Mōsh•ëh: the work of ha-Lᵊwi•yim under the authority of:

Optional parental preparation:

  1. The first rabbi came into existence with the creation of the Pᵊrush•im—which didn’t occur until B.C.E. 135. Thus, rabbis didn’t even exist until nearly 1½ millennia after Mōsh•ëh’s death!!! Ergo, it is both historically anachronistic as well as untruthful and ignorantly misleading rabbinic propaganda to promulgate the misnomer “Rabbeinu”.

    Though Ta•na"kh affixes no title to Mōsh•ëh, the most frequently-used verb in Ta•na"kh, describing Mōsh•ëh’s activities, is pâ•qad. That there was an early—1st-century C.E.—tradition referring to Mōsh•ëh as Pâ•qid was corroborated by Eusëbios in translating the title of the 1st 15 Nᵊtzâr•im leaders from the Greek into English as “bishop” (and—same Hebrew word—as “pope”) is, itself, a Greek translation from the Hebrew title Pâ•qidReturn to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is accounting (vs bookkeeping? To do inventory? To muster troops?

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