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Pᵊqūd•ei 3rd Eve

Mi•shᵊkân Realized

Ca. 12thmonth (Late Winter), ; South From Rᵊphid•im To Har Sin•ai

Sinai Yetziah El Arish Har Karkom Har Sinai Midbar Paran
Click to enlarge Sin•ai, Yᵊtzi•âh Route, El Arish, Har Kar•kōm (i.e. Har Sin•ai), Mi•dᵊbar Pa•ran

Mishkan diagram unsourced
Click to enlargeMi•shᵊkân Complex diagram

So all of the work on the Mi•shᵊkân, the Ōhël Mō•eid, was realized. Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil made it according to everything that é‑‑ä had commanded Mōsh•ëh, so they did.

Everything Brought Before Mōsh•ëh For Pᵊqid•ūt

So Mōsh•ëh saw all of the mᵊlâkh•âh—and look, they did it, according as é‑‑ä had commanded! Then Mōsh•ëh pronounced a bᵊrâkh•âh upon them.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What’s the difference between mᵊlâkh•âh and a•vōd•âh?

  2. What does it mean “to pronounce a bᵊrâkh•âh upon” someone?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does it mean to “realize” (i.e. real-ize) something? (bring to reality, make something a reality)

  2. What does “validation” mean?

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