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Pᵊqūd•ei 4th Eve

é‑‑ä Tzi•wâh To Pitch The Mi•shᵊkân Ōhël Mō•eid

1st day of 1stmonth (Early Spring), of the Following Year: (-1); South From Rᵊphid•im To Har Sin•ai

Mōsh•ëh Pō•qeid Assembling The Mi•shᵊkân

Sinai Yetziah El Arish Har Karkom Har Sinai Midbar Paran
Click to enlarge Sin•ai, Yᵊtzi•âh Route, El Arish, Har Kar•kōm (i.e. Har Sin•ai), Mi•dᵊbar Pa•ran

Then Mōsh•ëh perceived é‑‑ä speaking to him, saying,

“On 1stday of 1stmonth, you are to pitch the Mi•shᵊkân Ōhël Mō•eid.

“Put the A•rōn -Eid•ūt inside and screen the A•rōn with the Pâ•rōkhët.

“Bring in the Shū•lᵊkh•ân and arrange the array [of lëkhëm] on it.

“Bring in the Mᵊnōr•âh and prime its neir•ōt.

Provide for the A•rōn ha-hav for qᵊtōrët in front of the A•rōn -Eid•ūt and hang the Pâ•rōkhët-screen over the entrance of the Mi•shᵊkân.

Next, provide for the Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Ōl•âh in front of the pëtakh Mi•shᵊkân Ōhël Mō•eid.

Provide for the Ki•yōr between the Ōhël Mō•eid and the Mi•shᵊkân, and provide for water in it.

“Next, put up the khâ•tzeir around it and hang the Pâ•rōkhët-screen over the shaar of the khâ•tzeir.”


Mishkan diagram unsourced
Click to enlargeMi•shᵊkân Complex diagram

“Then you shall take the Shëmën ha-Mi•shᵊkh•âh and mâ•shakh the Mi•shᵊkân and everything within. Thusly shall you make it dësh, including all of the utensils, and it shall be dësh.

“Then you shall mâ•shakh the Mi•zᵊbakh -Ōl•âh and all of its utensils. Thusly shall you qâ•dash the mi•zᵊbeiakh. Then the mi•zᵊbeiakh shall be dësh ha-Qâ•dâsh•im.

“Next, you shall mâ•shakh the Ki•yōr and its stand. Thusly shall you qâ•dash it. Then, summon A•ha•rōn and his bân•im to the pëtakh Ōhël Mō•eid and cause them to bathe their hands and feet in the mayim.

“Then you shall outfit A•ha•rōn in the dësh clothes, mâ•shakh him and qâ•dash him so that he may officiate as Kō•hein for Me.

“Next, summon his bân•im and outfit them in kūtânōt, mâ•shakh them like you did their âv. Then they may officiate as kō•han•im for Me. Thus, there shall be a mi•shᵊkh•âh for their Kᵊhun•âh of the ō•lâm for their generations.”

“So Mōsh•ëh did; like everything that é‑‑ä tzi•wâh him. So he did.

Mōsh•ëh Constructs Mi•shᵊkân & Ōhël Mō•eid

Mishkan Qodesh & Qodesh ha-Qadashim diagram unsourced
Click to enlargeThe Ōhël Mō•eid diagram, showing dësh & dësh ha-Qâdâsh•im

So it was, that on the 1st day of 1stmonth of 2ndyear, the Mi•shᵊkân was raised. Mōsh•ëh pitched the Mi•shᵊkân; providing the foundation-sockets, setting the planks, providing the bolt-bars, and raising its pillars. Then he pitched the Ōhël above the Mi•shᵊkân and secured the tent-top over the Ōhël Mō•eid within the Mi•shᵊkân compound, according as é‑‑ä tzi•wâh Mōsh•ëh.

Mōsh•ëh Commits -Eid•ūt To -•rōn

Aron ha-Berit; keruvim on kaporet, not women angels
Click to enlarge A•rōn ha-Bᵊrit; kᵊrūv•im on the Ka•pōrët (not women “angels”)

Then he took -Eid•ūt, committed it into -•rōn, placed the carrying-poles upon -•rōn and committed ha-Ka•pōrët onto -•rōn.

Then, he brought -•rōn to ha-Mi•shᵊkân and hung the Pâ•rōkhët-screen, which screened A•rōn -Eid•ūt; according as é‑‑ä tzi•wâh Mōsh•ëh.

Mōsh•ëh Sets ha-Shū•lᵊkh•ân In Ōhël Mō•eid

Shulkhan Lekhem ha-Panim
Click to enlargeShū•lᵊkh•ân Lëkhëm ha-Pân•im (modern replica)
Lekhem ha-Panim
Click to enlargeLëkhëm ha-Pân•im

Then he provided ha-Shū•lᵊkh•ân in Ōhël Mō•eid, midway-along the north side of ha-Mi•shᵊkân, outside of the Pâ•rōkhët.

And he arrayed upon it an array of lëkhëm before é‑‑ä; according as é‑‑ä tzi•wâh Mōsh•ëh.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Discussion point: Why are anthropomorphic (i.e. idolatrous) food sacrifices (i.e. lëkhëm and bâ•sâr) displayed for an anthropomorphic (i.e. idolatrous) god to consume its “essence” and then eaten by its priests, mimicking idolatrous temples, promulgated in the Mi•shᵊkân for a non-physical é‑‑ä? Centralizing what had, until then, been conducted by the head of the house in every household, enabled centralized control. Further, making sacrifice dependent upon both, a central temple and a genealogically-documented Kᵊhun•âh, ensured that the eventual loss of either would finally terminate both the Kᵊhun•âh and the entire sacrificial system—inexorably leading to the Beit Tᵊphil•âh prophesied by Yᵊsha•yâhu (56.7). Return to text

  2. Generations of the genealogical kō•han•im: male descendants of A•ha•rōn documented in the public yō•khas•in—which ceased to exist by the 2nd century C.E. with the Roman destruction of every Judaic genealogy (except for the paternal and maternal genealogies of Ribi Yᵊhō•shūa, documentation which the Nᵊtzâr•im preserved in The Nᵊtzârim Reconstruction of Hebrew Matitᵊyâhu). Return to text

  3. When is the 1st day of 1st month (on the Judaic-lunar calendar) this year?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does “pitch a tent” mean?

  2. What does “perceive” mean?

  3. What is an “array”?

  4. Before the invention of paint, how would the application of olive-oil have helped to protect wood, metal (i.e. copper) and skin?

  5. What does it mean to dedicate or sanctify something, to be holy?

  6. What does “officiate” mean?

  7. What is a generation?

  8. What does midway mean?

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