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Shᵊmin•i A•tzërët & Si•mᵊkh•at-Tor•âh

Yi•sᵊr•â•eil Returns To Kᵊna•an

Yᵊho•shua Bin-Nun
Yᵊho•shua 1.1-18 ca. 2333 (B.C.E. 1427)
Click to enlargeLᵊvân•ōn & Khit•im ("Hittites")

After the death of Mosh•ëh, Yᵊho•shua perceived é‑‑ä telling him, 'My worker, Mosh•ëh, is dead. Now, therefore, you get up and cross Nᵊhar ha-Ya•rᵊd•ein; you and the entire am, to -ârëtz, which I, Myself, give to them—to Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil.

Every place that the sole of your foot shall walk on, I have given to you, as I told Mosh•ëh. From the mi•dᵊbâr and this Lᵊvân•ōn to the great Nᵊhar, Pᵊrat, including all of the land of the Khit•im to Yâm ha-Gâ•dōl toward the west; these shall be your border.

No man shall stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Mosh•ëh, I'll be with you; I'll neither fail nor abandon you. Be strong and bold, for you shall bequeath to this am -ârëtz that I swore to their fathers to give them.

Just be strong and very bold to watchguard and do all My Tor•âh, which My worker, Mosh•ëh, commanded you. Don't deviate from it to the right or to the left; so that you are learning in all of your walk. This Seiphër Tor•âh must not be removed from your mouth. Rather, you must audibilize 1 it day and night so that you watchguard—and do—everything that I have written therein; for then (that's how) your ways shall succeed, and then you shall learn.

Have I not commanded you, 'Be strong!, be bold! and don't crack!' because é‑‑ä your Ël•oh•im is with you in all of your walk?"

Then Yᵊho•shua commanded the police-officers of the am saying, "Pass through the midst of the camp and command the am saying, 'Prepare your field provisions because in 3 days you are crossing this Ya•rᵊd•ein to go in and repossess 2 -ârëtz, which é‑‑ä your Ël•oh•im is allowing you to repossess.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 1 – åÀäÈâÄéúÈ — you shall audibilize Return to text
  2. Note 2 – This was repossessing native lands that had been purchased and owned by Avᵊrâ•hâm, Yi•tzᵊkhâq and Yi•sᵊr•â•eil—having to retake it by force from a number of different peoples who had squatted on and occupied their land during their enslavement in Egypt. To repossess their native homelands, the indigenous Israelis were given no choice but to overcome the peoples who refused to return it to them. Having vanquished the occupying kings, and their allies, left many of the surrounding lands in a vacuum without governance. This left Egypt, Assyria (at a stand-off against each other in the Levant) and Israel the only powers remaining to possess and administer the lands that had been left in a vacuum and arrive at a new power equilibrium in the region. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does bequeath mean?
  2. What does it mean to watchguard something?
  3. What's the difference between studying and learning?
  4. What is one's walk?
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