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Mak•âh #8: Arᵊbëh

Egyptian capital, Ankh-Tawi; 12thmonth (Late Winter), ca. B.C.E.
locusts early 2013.03 Israeli Negev Reuters
Click to enlargeLocusts early 2013.03 Israeli Negev (Reuters)

After Mak•âh #7: Bâ•râd, é‑‑ä said to Mosh•ëh,

Come to Par•oh. For I have goaded the arrogant-defiance that Par•oh harbors in his heart, and his a•vâd•im harbor in their hearts, in order that I may demonstrate My ōt•ōt in their midst – and in order that you shall retell in the ears of your child and your children's children what I have done to Mi•tzᵊrayim and the ōt•ōt that I have performed among them so that you may know that I am é‑‑ä."

So Mosh•ëh and A•ha•ron came to Par•oh, telling him, "Thus says é‑‑ä, ël•oh•im of the Ha•biru,

"How long will you continue refusing to humble yourself before Me? send forth My am so they may do a•vōd•âh for Me! If you refuse to send forth My am, look, tomorrow I will bring swarms of Arᵊbëh into your border. They shall cover the eye of -ârëtz so that you won't be able to see -ârëtz. They shall eat whatever grain survived the Bâ•râd and devour every tree you grow in the field. They will fill your houses and the houses of your a•vâd•im; the houses of all Mi•tzᵊrayim the likes of which have never been seen, neither by your fathers nor their fathers, since the day they first appeared upon the a•dâm•âh to this day."

Then he turned and walked out from Par•oh.

Finally, Par•oh's a•vâd•im spoke up to him. "How long shall this entrap us? send forth these men out and let them do the a•vōd•âh of é‑‑ä their ël•oh•im. Don't you see that Mi•tzᵊrayim is lost?"

So Mosh•ëh and A•ha•ron were summoned again to Par•oh, and he told them, "Go! Do a•vōd•âh for é‑‑ä your ël•oh•im. But who, specifically, is going?"

"Our youths, our seniors and our daughters, our tzon and our cattle," Mosh•ëh replied. "We will all go, for we have a Khag é‑‑ä."

"Let it be so, may your é‑‑ä be with you when I send forth you and your toddlers." Par•oh acquiesced. "But watch out, because wrong is written in your face. Don't do that! The warriors may go and do the a•vōd•âh of your é‑‑ä because that is what you requested." And they were chased out from before the face of Par•oh.

Egyptian heqa (l) & sekhem (r) scepters
Click to enlargeEgyptian heqa (l) & ùÒÀëÆí (r) scepters. Rulers would hold one in each hand when adjudicating a matter; the ùÒÀëÆí in the right hand and the heqa in the left hand.

Then é‑‑ä told Mosh•ëh,

"Stretch forth your hand over ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim in the Arᵊbëh that it may ascend upon ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim and it will devour all the grain of -ârëtz, everything that survived the Bâ•râd."

So Mosh•ëh stretched forth his scepter over ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim and é‑‑ä guided a ruakh shâ•râv from out of the east into -ârëtz all day and all night.

Locusts in Giza, Egypt 2004 (Reuters)
Click to enlargeLocusts in Giza, Egypt 2004 (Reuters)

When morning came, the ruakh from out of the east carried with it Arᵊbëh from the Sin•ai. So the Arᵊbëh ascended upon all of ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim, and stayed within all of the borders of Mi•tzᵊrayim.

These were heavy, black clouds of swarms. Never before had there been anything like these heavy swarms of Arᵊbëh, nor since. For they covered the eye of all of -ârëtz, and they ate all of the grain of -ârëtz and all of the fruit of the trees that had survived the Bâ•râd. Nothing green remained, not a tree nor a grain in the field, throughout the entirety of ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim.

Then Par•oh hurried to summon Mosh•ëh and A•ha•ron saying, "I misstepped to é‑‑ä your ël•oh•im and to you. Now, however, please bear my misstep this once and you intercede to é‑‑ä your ël•oh•im that he will just take this death from over me."

Then he went forth from Par•oh and interceded to é‑‑ä.

After a passing high pressure weather system had powered an easterly wind that blew the Arᵊbëh from the Sin•ai into central Mi•tzᵊrayim, the winds calmed to a typical sea breeze out of the NW, allowing the Arᵊbëh to remain and thrive. Now, however, é‑‑ä reversed the prevailing sea-ruakh as a cold front moved in behind the shâ•râv. The leading edge of the cold front powered southerly winds, driving the swarms of Arᵊbëh north, out of the capital of Ankh-​Tawi, northward toward Yâm Suph and the Mediterranean Sea. Not one live Arᵊbëh was left in all of the borders of Mi•tzᵊrayim!

But, Par•oh mused, every shâ•râv, every summer, although not so severe, behaves this way. Thus, é‑‑ä again goaded the arrogant-defiance that Par•oh harbored in his heart; and he did not send forth Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil out.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Can the child (you?) recite from memory the Mak•ōt (Hebrew terms) so far? … ,ãÌÈí

  2. What's the difference between a grasshopper and a locust? Which species of locusts are kâ•sheir?

  3. What does "goad" mean? "Arrogance"? "Defiance"?

  4. What does "harbor in one's heart" mean?

  5. What is the "eye of the land"? (The approximate center)

  6. What does "written in your face" or "your face betrays you" mean?

  7. The prevailing wind in the southern and eastern Mediterranean countries is out of the NW.

    Due to the rotation of the earth, weather systems lag behind the rotation, thereby proceeding (relative to a landmark) in a west-to-east direction.

    In the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect causes high pressure warm fronts, pushing air away, to kick up CW winds, while low pressure cold fronts, drawing air in, whip up CCW winds.

    A strong wind out of the east, therefore, would be caused by the passage, along the southern Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Egypt, of a particularly severe high pressure (warm front) system. The bottom of the high pressure system would drive winds out of the east from the Sin•ai into Egypt. (The top of a cold front is unlikely to come out of the Central African desert into Egypt.) Return to text

  8. åÇéÌÇäÂôÉêÀ, from äôê Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a swarm?

  2. What does "entrap" mean?

  3. What are youths?

  4. What are seniors?

  5. What does "acquiesce" mean?

  6. What's the difference between "chase" and "chase out"?

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