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Bō! 4th Eve

Enroute, Via Mi•dᵊbâr Shūr, To Rᵊphid•im & Har Sin•ai (i.e. Kar•kōm)
י‑‑ה Ordains Judaic Calendar & Commemorations of Pësakh
Latter Part of Firstmonth, c B.C.E. , Northern Coast of Mi•dᵊbâr Sin•ai

Sinai Yetziah El Arish Har Karkom Har Sinai Midbar Paran
Click to enlarge Sin•ai, Yᵊtzi•âh Route, El Arish, Har Kar•kōm (i.e. Har Sin•ai), Mi•dᵊbar Pa•ran

Then, while still in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim, י‑‑ה told Mosh•ëh and A•ha•ron,

שֶׂה = a kâ•sheir Bovidae
eiz - goat Nubian buck kidAyil - ramparah adumah - Red Heifer (American Brangus, 2012 Grand Champion, Houston)

“This khōdësh shall be the rōsh of your khâ•dâsh•im, the first khōdësh of your year.

“Speak to all of Ad•ât Yi•sᵊr•â•eil saying,

‘On the 10th of this khōdësh, every man shall take a sëh for each household, a sëh for each house. And if the household be too small to consume a whole sëh in one night, then he and his neighbor shall share a sëh, according to the number of nᵊphâsh•ot in the household; each man according to his dinner-serving, you shall apportion-out the entire sëh to be completely eaten that night.

‘You shall have a male yearling sëh that is whole. You may take the sëh from the sheep or from the goats.

‘Then you shall watchguard it until the 14th day of this same khōdësh. Then the entire qâ•hâl of the Eid•âh shall kâ•sheir-slaughter their Pësakh at dusk concluding the 14th day of this same khōdësh, being certain to save the dâm of the sëh in a basin.

אזוב (eizov - Origanum-syriacum {Syrian oregano}; hyssop, Arabic: zaatar
Click to enlargeאֵזוֹבOriganum syriacum (Syrian oregano), hyssop (Arabic: zaatar).

This is a protected plant in Israel — strictly enforced with large fines. (photo © Martha Modzelevich; flowersinisrael.com)

‘Then they must take the basin of the dâm of the sëh and use eiz•ōv as a brush to liberally spatter the dâm on both mᵊzuz•ot of the front door of the houses in which they eat it, so that when Par•oh's soldiers checked the houses during the night to ensure that all of the male-firstborns of people and livestock were sacrificed, the soldiers would see the dâm on the mᵊzuz•ot, asume all of the firstborn-males had been sacrificed and pësakh over their house.

Soft Matzah
Ancient (soft) מַצָּה
Maror leaves; Sonchus <i>oleraceus</i> (photo: spontaneousurbanplants.org)
Click to enlargeמָרוֹר (dandelion leaves, Sonchus oleraceus; photo: spontaneousurbanplants.org)

‘They must eat all of the bâ•sâr that evening. It must be flame-roasted and they must eat it with matz•ot and mᵊrōr•im.

‘You may not eat it raw, nor stew-cooked in water. You must roast it over a flame – including the rōsh, legs and innards. You may not allow any evidence of it remain until morning. Any part of it that remains as morning approaches must be completely burned up in the fire.

‘Moreover, you shall eat it fully-dressed and ready to travel; your shoes on your feet and your walking-stick in your hand. You shall eat in a hurry and get going – it is י‑‑ה's Pësakh, because I will go through ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim in that night and strike-down every male-firstborn in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim, both man and domesticated-livestock. Moreover, I will execute sho•pheit against all of the gods of Mi•tzᵊrayim. I am י‑‑ה!

‘So you shall have the dâm on the mᵊzuz•ot of your front door for a sign to the soldiers of Par•oh. When I see the dâm, I will pësakh over you. Thus, no mutilator shall strike-down your firstborn-males when I carry-out this last mak•âh over ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim.

Pesakh Table, Nusakh Teimani
Click to enlarge Pësakh Table (No•sakh Tei•mân•i)

‘Then this day shall be a commemoration to you. You shall observe it as a Khag, a Khag of י‑‑ה for your descendants; to make an annual Khag. It shall be a khōq ō•lâm to you to make this annual Khag.

‘Seven days shall you eat matz•ot. However, before the beginning of the first day you shall have caused sᵊōr to cease from your homes. Because everyone who eats khâ•meitz from the first to the seventh day, that nëphësh shall be kâ•reit from Yi•sᵊr•â•eil. You shall sacrifice a grill-offering each day for 7 days.

‘On the 1st and 7th days, you shall have a Miqᵊrâ dësh. No mᵊlâkh•âh may be done in either of these 2 days except what cannot be done beforehand for every nëphësh to eat!

‘So you shall watchguard the matz•ot. Because it was in this same day that I brought your tzᵊvâ•ot out of ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim. So you shall watchguard this day for your generations – a khōq ō•lâm.

‘In the ërëv of the 14th of Firstmonth, until the 21st day of the month in the ërëv, you shall eat matz•ot.

‘For these 7 days, no sᵊōr may be found in your homes because anyone who eats khâ•meitz, his or her nëphësh shall be kâ•reit from Ad•at Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, whether geir or citizen of -ârëtz. You may not eat anything khâ•meitz. In all of your villages you shall eat matz•ot.’ ”

Mōsh•ëh Assembles The Zi•qᵊn•ei Yi•sᵊrâ•eil

So Mōsh•ëh summoned all of the Zi•qᵊn•ei Yi•sᵊrâ•eil and told them,

"Pull out and take for yourselves of a tzōn for your families and kâ•sheir-slaughter the Pâsakh, draining the blood into a basin, which you must save.

אזוב (eizov; hyssop, Origanum-syriacum
Click to enlargeאֵזוֹב

Then you shall take a bunch of eiz•ōv and dip it in the blood that is in the basin. Using the eiz•ōv, splash the blood on the lintel and on both mᵊzuz•ōt. Then no one may venture outside of the house until morning to prevent being spotted by the Egyptian soldiers, who will pass through acting as the arm of י‑‑ה, checking throughout the night, carrying out Par•oh's decree to strike-down the firstborn-males of every Egyptian household.

When the Egyptian soldier sees the blood on the lintel and both mᵊzuz•ōt, this arm of י‑‑ה will assume you've already killed all of your firstborn-males as Par•oh decreed, and he will then pâ•sakh your door so the mutilator doesn't stop in at your house to strike-down your firstborn-males.

This matter shall you commemorate, a khōq for you and your posterity, ad ō•lâm. When your children ask, 'What is this a•vōd•âh of yours?' You shall answer, 'This is the zëvakh Pësakh for י‑‑ה; because He pâ•sakh over the houses of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil in Mi•tzᵊrayim when he struck-down the Mi•tzᵊrayim but rescued our houses.' "

Then the am bowed their heads, prostrated themselves and went and prepared for the Pësakh as י‑‑ה had commanded Mōsh•ëh and A•ha•ron.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What can the child learn about the year, causes of the seasons and months; relationship of earth, sun, moon, orbits and rotations?

  2. What is the new moon?

  3. What is dusk?

  4. How does dough leaven and rise in bread-making? Why?

  5. What is a kneading-board?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a male yearling?

  2. What does "spatter" mean? What does "liberally" mean?

  3. What is a mutilator?

  4. What does "acquiescence" mean?

  5. What does "exploit" mean?

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