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bᵊSha•lakhSha•bât Shirâh, 7th Eve (Ërëv Sha•bât)
Ha•phᵊtâr•âh Tei•mân•it: Shō•phᵊt•im 4.23 – 5.31

Yâ•eil – The Original 'Wonder Woman' 

Vicinities Of Καισάρεια, Har Tâ•vōr & Yâm Ki•nërët, ca. B.C.E. 1345
Khëvër, the Qein•iy,, of Eil•ōn-Tza•an•im
Shophetit #4: Devorah
Click to enlargeTopographical map: Northern Israel c. BCE 1348, the time of Sho•phëtët #4: Dᵊvōrâh ha-Nᵊvi•âh & the Original 'Wonder Woman': Yâ•eil.

Before all of this, there was a Qein•iy, named Khëvër, who had moved north from the Qayin tribal region of the Nëgëv, haing migrated north to pitch his tent in Eil•ōn-Tza•an•im – nearby Qëdësh.

Now Shō•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh arranged for a "leak" of deceptive intelligence, via a Qein•iy conduit, to Kᵊna•an•i Gen. Sisᵊrâ. She planted a false report that Gen. Bâ•râq Bën-Av•i-Nōam had set up an outpost on Har Tâ•vōr with a commanding view of the plains south, threatening his coastal region.

Har Tavor
Click to enlargeHar Tâ•vōr (photo: © Yirmeyahu Ben-David, 1983)

Upon learning the "leaked" intel about Gen. Bâ•râq's supposedly threatening troop movement, Kᵊna•an•i Gen. Sisᵊrâ mustered all 900 of his iron chariots and all of his troops from 'Goy•im-Engraver City'), to Nakhal Qish•ōn, which they had to cross to the north side in order to engage the troops of Gen. Bâ•râq on the plains of òÅîÆ÷ éÄæÀøÀòÆàì by Har Tâ•vōr.

Shō•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh's Ambush
Click to enlargeChariot, Iron Age Roman (reconstruction – National Museums Scotland)

As soon as Shō•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh had "leaked" the intelligence to bait Gen. Sisᵊrâ to cross Nakhal Qish•ōn, she ordered Gen. Bâ•râq to set up an ambush on the north bank of Nakhal Qish•ōn for the chariots of Gen. Sisᵊrâ, which é‑‑ä was bringing (via the Qein•iy ma•lâkh é‑‑ä of the intelligence "leak" – the working of é‑‑ä). The Qein•iy ma•lâkh é‑‑ä preceded Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, passing through the ambush site on his way south before they set up the ambush.

Nakhal Qishon (Kishon River Authority)
Click to enlargeNakhal Qish•ōn (Kishon River Authority)

"Bug out!" she ordered. "Get the ambush ready and thoroughly hidden on the north bank of Nakhal Qish•ōn! Today is the day in which é‑‑ä will have delivered Gen. Sisᵊrâ into your hand. See? The ma•lâkh é‑‑ä has already preceded you."

So é‑‑ä KO'd Gen. Sisᵊrâ with all of his iron chariots; and all of his camp were being put to the sword in front of Gen. Bâ•râq.

But, in the confusion of battle, Gen. Sisᵊrâ had jumped down from his chariot and, unnoticed, fled on foot.

Crossing the nakhal southward, Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil wiped out every chariot all the way to 'Goy•im-Engraver City'. They put them all to the sword, until there wasn't a man left. Focused so intently on looking for chariots, though, Gen. Bâ•râq hadn't noticed Gen. Sisᵊrâ escaping on foot, headed for his capital of Khâ•tzōr.

Kᵊna•an•i Gen. Sisᵊrâ Flees Up Coast, Then Inland North Of Yâm Ki•nërët

Meanwhile, by the time Gen. Sisᵊrâ had trekked up the coast and through the mountains as far as the tent of Yâ•eil (wife of Khëvër the Qein•iy, in Eil•ōn-Tza•an•im), on his way to Khâ•tzōr, he was exhausted. Since there was a peace agreement between Yâ•vin, mëlëkh Kᵊna•an, and Beit Khëvër (the Qein•iy), he was feeling safer and somewhat relieved.

Click to enlargegoatskin, for holding liquids

Seeing him struggling, alone, and recognizing that it was Gen. Sisᵊrâ, Yâ•eil realized that he was on his way to the nearby capital of Khâ•tzōr and recognized a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Going out to meet him, she prevailed on him. "Take a break and rest-up here," she implored him. "Don't worry!" So he took a break from his journey and lay down in the tent, where she covered him with a blanket.

"May I have some water to drink?" he requested. "I'm very thirsty." So she brought a goatskin of milk and gave it to him. Then she covered him again with the blanket.

Then he said to her, "Stand in the door of the tent. If any man comes and asks if there's any man here, you tell him 'No'!"

Tent peg, iron (Roman 2nd-3rd century CE)
Click to enlargeTent pegs, iron (Roman 2nd-3rd century CE; couldn't find photo of earlier/​Bronze Age tent pegs)

When Gen. Sisᵊrâ finally went into a deep sleep, Yâ•eil (Khëvër's wife) got a tent-peg and a hammer. Very quietly, she kneeled down beside him. Holding the tent-peg in one hand ver-r-r-y gently against his temple, THUD!!! She brought the hammer down as hard as she could on the tent-peg, driving it through his head, nailing his head to the ground! So he died where he lay in the tent.

Ancient tent mallet (wood)
Click to enlargeAncient mallet (wood)

Meanwhile, Gen. Bâ•râq, in pursuit of Gen. Sisᵊrâ, was passing by Yâ•eil's tent. She saw him and came out and intercepted him. "Come with me," she said to Gen. Bâ•râq. "I will take you to the man you're looking for." So he followed her to her tent where Gen. Sisᵊrâ lay dead with his head nailed into the ground by the tent-peg.

So, that day, ël•oh•im conquered Yâ•vin, mëlëkh Kᵊna•an, from before Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil.

Henceforth, yâd Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil went absolutely harsh on Yâ•vin, mëlëkh Kᵊna•an, until they had excised Yâ•vin, mëlëkh Kᵊna•an.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Bᵊn•ei-Khōvâv, the people of the father-in-law of Mōsh•ëh.

    As one can see only in the Hebrew spellings, while the adjective, ÷ÌÅéðÄé(í), is a cognate of the proper noun, ÷ÌÇéÄï, neither of these are grammatically related to the proper noun, ëÌÀðÇòÇï, nor its adjective cognate, ëÌÀðÇòÇðé(í)Return to text

  2. åÇéÌÅè – same verb used in Biblical Hebrew to describe é‑‑ä "spreading forth" the universe. (Modern Hebrew has evolved to connote a (pre)inclination, predisposition or tendency.) Return to text

  3. How is plowing like engraving?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does it mean to "pitch" a tent?

  2. What does it mean to "leak" information? Why would one deliberately leak information?

  3. What does "coastal" mean?

  4. What is a geographic "plain"?

  5. What does it mean to "bait" (lure) someone?

  6. What is an ambush?

  7. What does "Bug out!" mean? (an emergency departure)

  8. What does it mean to "deliver" a military force "into your hand"?

  9. What does "precede" mean?

  10. What does "put to the sword" mean?

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