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Pᵊqūd•ei 2nd Eve

Pâ•qid Mōsh•ëh

Tailoring Liturgical Attire For Kō•han•im

Ca. 12thmonth (Late Winter), ; South From Rᵊphid•im To Har Sin•ai

The Khōshën Mi•shᵊpât For The Kō•hein ha-Jâ•dōl

Wa-ya•as ha-Khōshën, a ma•a•sëh of artwork-design like the ma•a•sëh of the Ei•phōd — each a ma•a•sëh of zâ•hâv, tᵊkheilët, royal-purple, and crimson; of woven Egyptian-linen, doubled-over and sewn on 3 sides to form a pouch, 24 cm square.

Then they filled it with 4 rows of gems: the first row comprised a carnelian-sard, a topaz and a malachite. The second row comprised a garnet, a lapis lazuli and a rock-crystal. The third row comprised an opal, an agate and an amethyst. The fourth row comprised a peridot, a sardonyx and an aquamarine. Each of the gems was engraved with the name one of the Shi•vᵊt•ei Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, like a signet ring.

To hold the Khōshën Mi•shᵊpât in place, they attached two braided chains of zâ•hâv tâhōr.

áÌÈøÆ÷Æú (baREQet=malachite, green tourmaline or emerald): ìÅåÄé (LeiWIY) ôÌÄèÀãÈä (pit'DAH=citrine topaz): ùÑÄîÀòåÉï (ShimON) àÉãÆí (ODem=carnelian-sard): øÀàåÌáÅï (R'uVEIN) Right: àÉãÆí, Targum: ñÈîÀ÷Èï – ‭ ‬ Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Nun, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Beit, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Waw, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Aleph, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Resh, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
Center: ôÌÄèÀãÈä, Targum: éÈøÀ÷Èï – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Nun, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Waw, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Ayin, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Mem, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Shin, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
Left: áÌÈøÆ÷Æú, Targum: áÈÌøÀ÷Èï – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Yod, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Waw, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Lamed, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
éÇäÂìåÉí  (yahaLOM=rock crystal or white sapphire): ðÇôÀúÌÈìÄé (NaphtaLIY) ñÇôÌÄéø (saPIR=lapis lazuli): ãÌÈï (Dan) ðÉôÆêÀ (NOphekh=garnet): éÀäåÌãÈä (YeHUDah) Right: ðÉôÆêÀ, Targum: àÄæÀîÇøÇâÀãÌÄéï – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Hei, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Dalet, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Waw, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Hei, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Yod, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
Center: ñÇôÌÄéø, Targum: ùÑÇáÀæÅéæ – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Nun, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Dalet, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
Left: éÇäÂìåÉí , Targum: ñÇáÀäÂìåÉí – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Yod, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Lamed, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Tau, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Pei, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Nun, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
àÇçÀìÈîÈä (akhLAMah=amethyst): éÄùÒÈÌùëÇø (YissaKHAR) ùÑÀáåÉ (sh'vo=agate): àÈùÑÅø (AWsheir) ìÆùÑÆí (LESHem=opal): âÌÈã (Gawd) Right: ìÆùÑÆí, Targum: ÷ÇðÀëÌÅéøÄé – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Dalet, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Gimel, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
Center: ùÑÀáåÉ, Targum: èÀøÇ÷ÀéÈà – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Resh, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Shin, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Aleph, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
Left: àÇçÀìÈîÈä, Targum: òÅéï òÄâÀìÈà – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Resh, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Kaph, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Shin, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Shin, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Yod, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
éÈùÑÀôÅä (yashPEIH=aquamarine): áÌÄðÀéÈîÄéï (BinyaMIN) ùÑÉäÇí (SHOham=sardonyx): éåÉñÅó (YoSEIPH) úÌÇøÀùÑÄéùÑ (tarSHISH=peridot): æÀáËìåÌï (Z'vuLUN) Right: úÌÇøÀùÑÄéùÑ, Targum: ëÌÀøåÌí éÇîÌÈà – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Nun, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Waw, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Lamed, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Beit, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Zayin, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
Center: ùÑÉäÇí, Targum: áËÌøÀìÈà – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Pei, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Samekh, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Waw, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Yod, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David
Left: éÈùÑÀôÅä , Targum: ôÇÌðÀúÌÅéøÄé – ‭ ‬Proto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Nun, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Yod, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Mem, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Yod, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Nun, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-DavidProto-Sinaitic Hebrew: Beit, © 2007 Yirmeyahu Ben-David

The Tᵊkheilët Mᵊil For The Kō•hein ha-Jâ•dōl
Liturgical Attire Of the Kohein ha-Gadol
Click to enlargeLiturgical attire of the Kō•hein ha-Jâ•dōl. Although corrected in a number of ways, some of the illustration’s inaccuracies remain beyond my non-artist limitations to correct.

Next, he made the Mᵊil of the Ei•phōd, a solid tᵊkheilët woven ma•a•sëh. Around the hems of the Mᵊil they attached pomegranates of twisted linen in tᵊkheilët, royal-purple and crimson. These alternated with zâ•hâv tâhōr bells.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Illustration inaccuracies — While this is the most accurate illustration I could find and upgrade, I’m not an artist, even digitally, and couldn’t fix all of the inaccuracies. The tᵊkheilët Mᵊil would have been shorter, approximately the length that the illustration shows for the embroidered Ei•phōd, while the embroidered Ei•phōd (see link) would have extended only slightly below the belt. Thus, the bells and pomegranates are approx. in the right place, but would be at the bottom of the tᵊkheilët Mᵊil, not the embroidered Ei•phōd. From the bells and pomegranates down would have been only the white kaftan. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a tailor?

  2. What is attire?

  3. What is liturgy? Liturgical attire?

  4. What is a signet ring?

  5. What does “woven” mean?

  6. What is a hem?

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