FF Pᵊqudei: 5th Eve
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Pᵊqūd•ei 5th Eve

Mōsh•ëh Initiates Service Of The Ōhël Mō•eid

1st day of 1stmonth (Early Spring), of the Following Year: (-1); South From Rᵊphid•im To Har Sin•ai

Mōsh•ëh Lights The First Neir•ōt Of ha-Mᵊnōr•âh In Ōhël Mō•eid

Mᵊnōr•âh (modern replica)

Mōsh•ëh set ha-Mᵊnōr•âh in the Ōhël Mō•eid, in front of ha-Shū•lᵊkh•ân midway-along ha-Mi•shᵊkân on the south side.

Then he primed the neir•ōt before é‑‑ä; according as é‑‑ä tzi•wâh Mōsh•ëh.

Mōsh•ëh Burns Incense On Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Zâ•hâv (ha-Qᵊtōrët)
For The First Time In The Doorway Of The Ōhël Mō•eid

Mizbakh Qetoret
Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Qᵊtōrët

Next, he set Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Zâ•hâv (ha-Qᵊtōrët) outside the doorway of the Ōhël Mō•eid, in front of the Pâ•rōkhët. Then he yi•qᵊteir on it— qᵊtōrët sam•im; according as é‑‑ä tzi•wâh Mōsh•ëh.

Mōsh•ëh Sets The Mi•zᵊbakh -Ōl•âh

Mishkan Ohel-Moeid (Timna courtyard)
Click to enlargeMi•zᵊbakh ha-Ōl•âh in front of the Ōhël Mō•eid (Timna)

Then he hung the screen door of the pëtakh to the Mi•shᵊkân, and set the Mi•zᵊbakh -Ōl•âh proximate to the pëtakh Mi•shᵊkân Ōhël Mō•eid.

Waya•al alav -Ōl•âh and ha-Mi•nᵊkh•âh; according as é‑‑ä tzi•wâh Mōsh•ëh.

Mōsh•ëh Places The Ki•yōr Between The Ōhël Mō•eid And ha-Mi•zᵊbeiakh

kiyor laver (Yam Nekhoshet Mutzaq)
Click to enlargeCopper Ki•yōr

Then he placed the Ki•yōr between the Ōhël Mō•eid and ha-Mi•zᵊbeiakh, in which he provided water for washing. So Mōsh•ëh, A•ha•rōn and his bân•im washed their hands and feet therein.

Whenever they came to the Ōhël Mō•eid, as they appproached ha-Mi•zᵊbeiakh, they washed; according as é‑‑ä tzi•wâh Mōsh•ëh.

Then he erected hëh-Khâ•tzeir around the Mi•shᵊkân and Mi•zᵊbeiakh, and hung the screen door of the shaar of hëh-Khâ•tzeir.

Thus, Mōsh•ëh finished ha-mᵊlâkh•âh.

The Ân•ân Enshrouded The Ōhël Mō•eid; The Kâ•vōd é‑‑ä Filled ha-Mi•shᵊkân

Then Ân•ân of incense enshrouded the Pâ•rōkhët-screen door of the Ōhël Mō•eid; and the Kâ•vōd é‑‑ä filled ha-Mi•shᵊkân.

So Mōsh•ëh couldn’t come to the Ōhël Mō•eid because hëh-Ân•ân shâ•khan upon it—the Kâ•vōd é‑‑ä filled ha-Mi•shᵊkân.

Whenever hëh-Ân•ân Was Raised-up Above ha-Mi•shᵊkân, Yi•sᵊr•â•eil Journeyed

Israeli Fire-box, Arch of Titus, Rome (Dnalor_01 Wikimedia Commons)
Click to enlargeRomans, 17 centuries later, parading Ma•khᵊt•âh taken from Israelis (Arch of Titus, Rome

So, in all their journeys, whenever hëh-Ân•ân from Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Zâ•hâv (ha-Qᵊtōrët) was raised-up in their Ma•khᵊt•âh above ha-Mi•shᵊkân, Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil journeyed.

But if hëh-Ân•ân from Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Zâ•hâv (ha-Qᵊtōrët) wasn’t raised-up in their Ma•khᵊt•âh, they didn’t journey until the day it was raised up.

For Ân•ân é‑‑ä is upon ha-Mi•shᵊkân by day,, but the eish Itself shall be within by night—for the eyes of all Beit Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, in all of their journeys.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Burn incense — To enhance a closer experience to the ancient practice, why not light a frankincense & myrrh incense stick before the neir•ōt Sha•bât, to make Sha•bât even more of an xoneg? Return to text

  2. Desert tribes walking in sandals before the advent of baths, showers or deoderant, especially in summer heat that often tops 32°C (90°F), regarded this as customary before entering a home or eating bread (which accompanied, and implied, a substantial meal). Return to text

  3. Ân•ân — symbolized the Kâ•vōd é‑‑ä (i.e. Shᵊkhin•âh), which was transferred, in the Form of the A•rōn ha-Bᵊrit, to the Beit ha-Mi•qᵊdâsh -Rish•ōn, from which Yᵊkhë•zᵊq•eil ha-Nâ•vi witnessed and documented Its departure in B.C.E. 591 (Yᵊkhë•zᵊq•eil 10.1-22). It never returned to the Second Beit ha-Mi•qᵊdâsh of Herod. Rather, from Its departure (probably identical with the disappearance of the A•rōn ha-Bᵊrit) in B.C.E. 591, the Spiritual Shᵊkhin•âh has been recognized as dwelling within the heart of those who are Ta•na"kh-centric. Return to text

  4. Kâ•vōd é‑‑ä — is equated to the ân•ân sam•im (incense-smoke). Since the Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Zâ•hâv, upon which the incense was burned, stood right in the doorway entrance to the Ōhël Mō•eid, an intensity of the ân•ân could make breathing difficult when entering; as well as fill the entire tent with the ân•ân when the breeze was out of the east (i.e. blowing the ân•ân into the tent). Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does “proximate” mean?

  2. What does it mean to journey?

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