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'Palestine': History Unrevised

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu

2006.01.15 – Although Hellenist rulers noted a small concentration of Hellenist Greek colonialists (from Pilos, see below) in Syria as early as B.C.E. 5th century (Herodotus, later Φίλων), Israel was never called 'Palestine' until 135 C.E., after Hadrian transferred all of the Yᵊhud•im out of Yᵊhud•âh in the wake of quashing the Bar-Kōkh Rebellion.

Having ethnically cleansed Yᵊru•shâ•layim of all Yᵊhud•im (which included expulsion of all Nᵊtzâr•im), Hadrian renamed Yᵊru•shâ•layim:

Arabs, determined to deny the Hebrew connection, continued to call the city Aelia until the 10th century – and, often, even today. Only Jews have maintained the name of Yᵊru•shâ•layim (Hellenized, then anglicized, to "Jerusalem") throughout.

Nor is there any validity to the Muslim claim that Yᵊru•shâ•layim is the third most holy site in Islam. The Quran states (for those who believe it) that Muhammed ascended into heaven, on a magic flying horse Roll eyes, from a "distant place." Until the 20th century, when it became politically expedient to switch, that "distant place" was unanimously understood by Muslims as Medina; and the third most holy site to Islam was the "Hala Sultan Tekke" – in Cyprus!

Before 135 CE, Philistine ('Palestine') was present-day Gaza, occupied by Greek (Mycenaean) colonists – the Philistines of the Bible – who had originated in Pilos, Mycenae, Greece; "Sea People" from Pilos, Mycenae, Greece; hence "Pilos-tines" – no Arab connection whatsoever. (Their fellow Mycenaeans, BTW, in addition to Pilos in Syria, settled the village of Pilos on the northwestern Sinai coast adjacent to the Delta.)

One must be careful not to confuse the term "Arab" with Greek-'Palestinian', Phoenician or Kᵊna•an•im (Canaanites) – anachronistic, since all of these peoples pre-date the first Arab by many centuries or millennia. In addition to the chronological problem of these peoples predating Av•râ•hâm (and, therefore, cannot be his descendants), unless today's 'Palestinians' are willing to renounce their claim to be Semite Arabs, they cannot be Greek Philistines.

Until the 20th century – 1967, 'Palestinians' referred to Jews, not Arabs AND Arabs adamantly insisted that they were not 'Palestinians' because there was "only one Arab nation." The "Palestinian" issue is a false political tool arrogated by Arab occupiers of Biblical, and historical, Yi•sᵊr•â•eil.

If ْجهةّبن isn't true, then Islam's antiquity is based on false premises.

It's a dilemma: if ْجهةّبن is true, then ْجهةّبن prohibits the Displacement Theology of Islam no less than Christianity.

Like Christianity, that's the problem with the false claim of supersession and Displacement Theology. It's also why Displacement Theologies depend, for their own validity, upon demonstrating their invalidating of the original – by supersession and eradication.

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