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Pâ•râsh•at wa-Yijash 4th Eve

Yo•seiph Coaches His Family To Meet Par•oh Sa-hotep-ka-Ra En-yoteph 4th

Ankh-​Tawi,, Pi-Tom and Pi-Ra-moses ca. B.C.E. 1754
Egypt: Ankh-Tawi (modern Memphis) Delta Pi-Tom (modern Qantir-Avaris) Pi-Ramoses (modern Tanis)
Click to enlargeMi•tzᵊrayim: Ankh-​Tawi,, Pi-Tom and Pi-Ra-moses

Addressing his brothers and all of his father's household, Yo•seiph announced, "I'll go back up to Ankh-​Tawi, and explain to Par•oh Sa-hotep-ka-Ra En-yoteph 4th that you have come to me from ërëtz Kᵊna•an. I must explain to him the reason you are herders of bovidae and bâ•sâr is because you are trader-merchants and the herds are merely part of all of your belongings that you brought with you.

Nile canal near ancient Ankh-Tawi (Memphis-Cairo)
Click to enlargeA Nile canal near ancient Ankh-​Tawi (Memphis, near Cairo). Built ca. B.C.E. 2560, the Great Pyramids (in background) had already been standing for 8 centuries when Yo•seiph arrived. The pyramids appear here as Yo•seiph would have seen them from his wing of the palace in Ankh-​Tawi.

When Par•oh Sa-hotep-ka-Ra En-yoteph 4th inquires into your background, you mustn't tell him, or other Egyptians, that you are herd­ers of bovidae because Egyptians understand herd­ers of bovidae to be a to•eiv•âh.

Instead, you must answer that "Your workers have been trader-merchants from our childhood until now – we and our fathers."

Then Yo•seiph took his father and selected four of his brothers to accompany him as they caravanned northward to the palace of Par•oh in Ankh-​Tawi, the capital of Mi•tzᵊrayim, to update Par•oh Sa-hotep-ka-Ra En-yoteph 4th

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What do you think might be involved for you and your family to prepare, and rehearse, to meet the head of the world's superpower (which Egypt was, and had, at that time, been for around 1,000 years)?

  2. øÉòÅé öÉàï Return to text

  3. àÇðÀùÑÅé îÄ÷ÀðÆä – i.e., caravan traders, merchants, entrepreneurs  Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does coach mean?

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