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Second Shab•ât of çÂðËëÌÈä

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A special section for çÂðËëÌÈä is recited also on second Shab•ât of çÂðËëÌÈä as indicated in the úÌÄëÌìÇàì, in the Shәmon•eh Es•reih.

Ha•leil is recited immediately after the A•mid•âh Sha•khar•it, preceding the Qa•dish.

The regularly scheduled Pâ•râsh•at Shâ•vua is read. However, the Ma•phƏtir and Ha•phƏtâr•âh for çÂðËëÌÈä supersede the usual Shab•ât selections.

When Shab•ât falls on:Ma•phƏtir
8th day of çÂðËëÌÈäbƏ-Mi•dƏbar 7.54–8.4

Ha•phƏtâr•âh for the second Shab•ât of çÂðËëÌÈä is Mәlâkh•im Âlëph 7.40-50.

5787 (2026.12)

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Tor•âh Translation Mid•râsh Ribi Yәho•shua (NHM) NHM
Zәkhar•yâh 4.1-6,14
Yәsha•yâhu 22.22

I will give the îÇôÀúÌÅçÇ to Beit-Dâ•wid on his shoulder; åÌôÈúÇç and no one ñÉâÅø, ‭ ‬ åÀñÈâÇø and no one ôÌÉúÅçÇ.

Div•rei ha-Yâm•im Âlëph 9.17-27

26  For faithful were they, the four heroes of the gates, they were the Lәwi•yim; they were over the chambers and treasuries of Beit ha-Ël•oh•im.27 And in the environs of Beit ha-Ël•oh•im they lodged; because the watchguard-shift was upon them, and they were over äÇîÇôÀúÌÅçÇ morning by morning.

Having come into the parts of áÌÈðéÈñ, Ribi Yәho•shua asked 15.23.1 his tal•mid•im,5.1.1 "What are persons 8.20.2 saying about me?" 16.13.1 14 They said, "Some say you are Yokhâ•nân 'ha-Mat•bil' 3.0.1 Bën-Zәkhar•yâh Bën Tzâ•doq ha-Ko•hein 3.0.2, some say you are Eil•i•yâhu ha-nâ•vi, and others Yirmәyâhu or another of the Nәviy•im." 11.9.1 15 Ribi Yәho•shua said to them, "And you… what do you say about me?" 16 Replying, Shim•on "Keiphâ" 4.18.2 Bar-Yonâh 16.17.0 said, "You are the Mâ•shiakh, son 16.16.1 of the Ël•oh•im of life, that has come in this world-age." 17 Replying, Ribi Yәho•shua said to him, "Happy 5.3.1 are you to be, Shim•on "Keiphâ" 4.18.2 Bar-Yonâh 16.17.0 because flesh and blood did not unveil this to you.16.17.1 Rather, it was of my Father Who is in the heavens.3.2.2 18 Moreover, I say to you that you are "Keiphâ" 16.18.1 and upon this àÆáÆï‎,16.18.1 àÆáðÆä 16.18.2 my qәhil•âh.16.18.3 Sha•ar•ei Shә•ol 7.13.1 & 10.28.2 won't prevail against this qәhil•âh. 19 I 16.19.1 will give you îÇôÀúÌÀçåÉú 16.19.2 to the Realm of the heavens.3.2.2 Whatever you make â•sur 16.19.3 in hâ-•ârëtz 2.20.0 shall be â•sur 16.19.3 in the heavens.16.19.4 Whatever you make îÀôËúÌÇç 16.19.4 in hâ-•ârëtz 2.20.0 shall be îÀôËúÌÇç 16.19.4 in the heavens." 16.19.5 20 Then he instructed the 16.20.1 tal•mid•im that they should tell no one that he was 16.20.2 the Mâ•shiakh.16.20.3


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