(Hut, Booth or Exhibit #13)4th Century |
Roman Emperor Diocletian (marble, Istanbul Museum of Archeology) |
"3rd century Rome is wracked by internal strife and Barbarian invasions. But by 295 [C.E.], a powerful new emperor has emerged as the empire's savior. His name is Diocletian" (Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire; Ep. 10: Constantine the Great, History Channel).
"One element that Diocletian brings in is a redefinition of the way frontiers were to be defended." (Edward J. Watts, Indiana Univ.) Emperor Diocletian creates a mobile imperial army, always available to send reinforcements to the vulnerable frontier. One of his most capable imperial soldiers is Constantine, only 17 years old" (Rome, Ep. 10).
Another of Diocletian's reforms was to split the empire into four states, the western three each ruled by his appointed co-emperor, while he ruled overall from the eastern state. Recognizing the signs of greatness in Constantine, Diocletian keeps the potential rival close, in his court under tight control—away from Constantine's father [Constantius] (and, more importantly, from establishing a relationship with Constantius' army), whom, in 293 C.E., Diocletian had appointed co-emperor of the westernmost state (England and western Europe), lest Constantine become too powerful and threaten his rule (Rome: Ep. 10).
"By the end of the 3rd century Christians … predominated in some of the smaller Eastern towns or districts, and they were well represented in Italy, Gaul, and Africa around Carthage; all told, they numbered perhaps as many as 5 million out of the empire’s total population of 60 million. Occasional meetings on disputed matters might bring together dozens of bishops, and it was this institution or phenomenon that the Great Persecutions sought to defeat. The progress of a religion that could not accept the religious basis of the tetrarchy and certain of whose members were imprudent and provocative, as in the incidents at Nicomedia (where a church was built across from Diocletian’s palace), finally aroused Galerius’ fanaticism. In 303–304 several edicts, each increasingly stringent, ordered the destruction of the churches, the seizure of sacred books, the imprisonment of the clergy, and a sentence of death for all those who refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods. In the East, where Galerius was imposing his ideas more and more on the aging Diocletian, the persecution was extremely violent, especially in Egypt, Palestine, and the Danubian regions. In Italy, Maximian, zealous at the beginning, quickly tired; and in Gaul, Constantius [father of Constantine] merely destroyed a few churches without carrying reprisals any further. Nevertheless, Christianity could no longer be eradicated, for the people of the empire and even some officials no longer felt the blind hatred for Christians that had typified previous centuries." (britannica.com)
"…Diocletian rules with an iron fist. "He begins to rule increasingly by issuing a whole series of extremely heavily moralizing edicts, telling people what to do, telling them how to be better citizens and so forth." (David S. Potter, Univ. of Michigan). Diocletian insists that everyone in court, including Constantine, make regular sacrifices. For above all, Diocletian believes unity in the empire comes from appeasing Rome's pagan gods. But another religion is gathering many converts, putting Diocletian's plans at risk. Its followers worship the Son of a new god, Jesus Christ. "The church had not only grown numerically, but it had also grown quite wealthy. It had come to control large buildings. It was, in many ways, a thriving institution within the Roman Empire" (Edward J. Watts, Indiana Univ.). An institution that Diocletian believes is a threat to Rome. "He was extremely concerned that the health of the state and that the health of Rome itself was tied up with Roman religion; and Christians were a threat. Christians, who had been tolerated for nearly 40 years, were, clearly, a large percentage of the population in the big cities, and it's clear that there were Christians in the army and there were Christians in the imperial court." (Michael Kulikowski, Uni. of Tennessee at Knoxville)."
"Diocletian begins in his own imperial army, where he requires that all soldiers make sacrifices to the gods of Rome, though many Christians refuse. "Diocletian believed that anything that interfered with the cultivation of Rome's protecting gods [pax deorum], by which alone, Romans believed, the empire flourished] was a genuine threat to the state, and could destroy the state; could destroy the state from within. This is the way he looked upon Christians in the army." (Michael Kulikowski, Uni. of Tennessee at Knoxville)."
"Punishment for rejecting the emperor's edict is death… Constantine grows troubled by the fear and discord born of Diocletian's reforms. It is a discord that will soon spread beyond the army."
As is so often the case with political leaders, the Roman leaders lagged behind their populace by several decades in realizing the extent and scope of the changes in direction and power of the religious winds blowing among their people.
Roman Emperor Galerius (porphyry) |
"After a period of initial indifference toward the Christians, Diocletian ended his reign by unleashing against them, in 303, the last and most violent of their persecutions. It was urged on him by his Caesar Galerius and prolonged in the East for a decade (until 311) by Galerius as Augustus and by other emperors. As in earlier persecutions, the initiative arose at the heart of government; some emperors, as outraged by the Christians as many private citizens, considered it their duty to maintain harmony with the gods, the pax deorum, by which alone the empire flourished" (britannica.com). "[E]mperor Diocletian issues an edict against all Christians that becomes known as ‘the Great Persecution’. … Any Christian who proclaims his faith in public is subject to death" (Rome: Ep. 10).
"In 303–304 several edicts, each increasingly stringent, ordered the destruction of the churches, the seizure of sacred books, the imprisonment of the clergy, and a sentence of death for all those who refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods" (britannica.com). However, none of this affected the Jews, viz., Nᵊtzâr•imꞋ.
Constantius Chlorus (father of Constantine the Great) |
Diocletian falls ill. Forced to retire, he passes over Constantine, shutting him out of the succession; whereupon Constantine returns to unite with his father in Gaul, today's France—and his father's army, where he earns command of the army.
Constantine, who had been reluctant and resistant, doing the minimum in carrying out Diocletian's persecutions of Christians, found in his father a more like-minded and tolerant ruler, able to avoid Diocletian's harsher edicts.
Upon the death of Constantius, his army proclaims Constantine emperor. In the same year, "the usurper Maxentius wins support [of the Italian province] by promising to cut taxes and provide free grain to the people of Rome… but unlike Constantine's [claim to rule the western province], Maxentius' claim to the throne [of the central, Italian, province] is not legitimate. Maxentius defeats, imprisons, and eventually murders the rightful co-emperor of Italy" (Rome: Ep. 10).
"In 311 [C.E.], the Romans revolt when the free grain and tax cuts are only offered to the wealthy… The desperate uprising of Rome's oppressed masses offers an unexpected opportunity for Constantine. Hoping to save the people of Rome, and expand his own reach into Italy, Constantine travels from Gaul to Milan, to strike a deal with another co-emperor, Licinius… Together, Licinius and Constantine trick their co-emperors in the east into believing their intentions are only to oust Maxentius" (Rome: Ep. 10).
Licinius being engaged on his northern border, allowed Constantine and his army to march through toward Rome to engage Maxentius who, hearing of the approaching danger, required a prophecy of his pagan priests. Upon being told "an enemy of Rome will die today," Maxentius assumed it referred to Constantine whereas the popular feeling in Rome was that the enemy was Maxentius himself. In any event, confident he was destined to vanquish and kill Constantine, Maxentius marched his army out to confront Constantine.
"Meanwhile, just outside of Rome, Constantine prepares to meet Maxentius on the battlefield. Knowing his troops will be severely outnumbered, Constantine grows uneasy. "Constantine began to get very concerned about the strength of his forces and we're told he prayed that some god would help him and received a vision in response and this is interpreted by Constantine as a Christian vision" (Edward J. Watts, Indiana Univ.; Rome: Ep. 10).
"The 4th century historian, Eusebius of Caesarea, records what is supposed to have happened, as recounted to him by Constantine himself:" (Rome: Ep. 10).
Constantine's ΧΡ, later syncretized into papal symbol |
"Around noontime, when the day was already beginning to decline, he saw before him in the sky the sign of a cross of light [in the form of the Greek letters ΧΡ, the first two letters of ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ]. He said it was above the sun and it bore the inscription ‘Conquer by this!’." (Rome: Ep. 10).
"Constantine orders his soldiers to place the on their shields and standards, transforming the Khi-Rho symbol from an object of persecution to one of [a national emblem of victory of the Roman Empire and its emperor]" (Rome: Ep. 10).
In the ensuing battle, Constantine's army under the Christian banner confront Maxentius' army at the Milvian Bridge and push them into the Tiber river, where Maxentius drowns—thereby "proving" to Constantine and his army that the Christian god is the god of victory over the vanquished pagan gods that had been worshipped by his predecessors. Thus, in the eyes of Romans, Christianity became transformed into the religion of the god of victory, the god of Constantine—and the god of the Roman Empire. Constantine thereafter saw himself as the ultimate defender of the Christian Church.
The battle also furthered Christianity in placing both western provinces, the entire western half of the Roman Empire, under Constantine's Christian rule, honoring his agreement to leave the eastern two provinces for Licinius to rule.
In 313 C.E., Constantine and Licinius rally the support of Eastern Christians by jointly ensuring them of equal tolerance in the Edict of Milan. In the ensuing 9 years, however, ambitions of both emperors increasingly conflicted. Licinius, fearing that the Eastern Christians under his rule represented a Fifth Column loyal to the Christian Constantine, renewed persecution of Christians under his rule. "As the churches and holy books go up in flames, so does the old alliance between Licinius and Constantine" (Rome: Ep. 10).
"Old" "St. Peter's" Basilica, built by Constantine – over unidentified grave rumored to be of "St. Peter" over 3 centuries after the events (360 C.E.). Basilica stood until the 15th century C.E., when it was torn down to build today's, 15th century C.E., Basilica on the site. |
In 324 C.E., Constantine annihilated Licinius' army, becoming the sole, supreme, emperor of, and establishing Christianity throughout, the entire, re-unified Roman Empire. In celebration, Constantine built "Old" St. Peter's Basilica (which stood from ca. 360 C.E. until the 15th century C.E. when it was torn down and rebuilt as today's Vatican basilica) in Rome and a whole new city, the first Christian city, named after himself: Constantinople (since renamed to Istanbul, Turkey).
Rather than producing a Christian utopia, however, rival bishops incited bloody fighting—rivaling the earlier persecutions—ensued between Eastern and Western Christians over the authority to define Christianity, especially among the Eastern Christians, and the nature of Christ.
"Desperate for a resolution, Constantine demands that church officials put an end to the bloody controversy. "So he calls together a council of over 300 bishops and has them meet at a city called Nicea. He charges them with arriving at a single definition of what Christians believe." (Michael Kulikowski, Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville). The result is the Nicene Creed, a statement of faith that has survived over 1600 years and is still recited today in Christian churches around the world: "We believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible, and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten of the Father."
The conflict, pressure, increasing Hellenization and antinomian (misojudaic) evolution continued until Constantine figured out how to take political advantage of it, ca. 313 C.E., and was finally able to nationalize it at the Council on the northern Black Sea coast of Turkey (Nicea) in 325 C.E. (Salo Wittmayer Baron, A Social and Religious History of the Jews, 2nd ed., (New York: Columbia University Press and the Jewish Publication Society of America, 1952), II, 152). Thus, at the Council of Nicaea, the Roman Empire spurned its previous Hellenist pagan gods to adopt Hellenist Christianity as the national religion of the Roman Empire.
This general definition, however, though universal, left much room for interpretation and church leaders strove for imperial endorsement of their interpretations for the rest of the century. Ever since, including today, disagreements, disputations (such as Martin Luther's Protestant movement) and even wars have ensued as different versions of Christianity have sought to impose their interpretations.
Modern Christians cannot escape the core phrase of the Founding Church's Definition of Χριστιανοι:
"and in one
LordJesusChrist, theSon of God, theonly begotten,"
which has always been, and shall always be, intractably contradictory to,
This inescapable phrase worshiping a man-god, inter alia, distinguishes Christianity from the
The picture of the 4th-century Christian Church is perfectly clear (see The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue, A Study in the Origins of Anti-Semitism). Retrojecting (projecting backward) from the 4th-century Christian Church, across the 135 C.E. disconnect of forcible displacement, to project the 4th-century Christian Church onto pre-135 C.E. Judaism is a logical contradiction of mutually exclusive polar opposites. Examination reveals that the Christian Church has no pre-135 C.E. history (documentation) that supports their 4th-century claims that are polar opposite to pre-135 C.E.
Yet, the only claims that the original, 325 C.E., Christian Church, and the Catholic Church in particular, can make rely on 4th-century writers (sometimes claiming to quote 2nd-century writers), redacted by 4th century and later Christian apologists whose sole purpose was to write a history that explained the emergence of the gentile, Hellenist, Roman Church! " The Catholic Encyclopedia's decision to start at a later period of history when references become frequent itself attests to the lack of evidence from the 1st and 2nd centuries… At best it only demonstrates that this Roman Catholic belief was present in the 3rd century Church. As such it remains unknown then whether the 3rd century Church was affirming existing doctrine, developing new doctrine, or borrowing doctrine from some other non-Christian source" (excerpted from biblestudying.net).
The Christian assumption that Judaism must prove its validity, however, is the logical fallacy of argumentum ad ignorantiam. Judaism – as defined, described and documented in (4Q) MMT – was the original.
To establish a departure from a known point is what requires the burden of proof – not proving the original known point!
Logic dictates adhering to the known original point, (4Q) MMT, that there be no departure from this known point to a claimed divergent point of Christianity, until proven differently. That's how scientists surmise that there will be a sunrise tomorrow, that a satellite will follow a calculated orbit, etc.
By contrast, assuming the opposite, as Christians do, is how cult leaders convince people that a spaceship is coming for them, that they should drink the Kool-Aid and that Ιησους replaced úÌåÉøÈä with the Διαθηκη Καινη (NT) and replaced the Jews with âÌåÉéÄí in the
The known point is the Judaism of the first century as described in
We know, too, from (4Q) MMT that even the Hellenist
At the same time, by contrast, the
All of the known points unique to Christianity are documented to have their origin in Hellenist idolatry that traces back to Egyptian and Mesopotamian idolatry: from Christmas to Easter to Sunday worship and misojudaism. Thus, the burden of proof is entirely upon Christian apologists to prove two points:
That Christianity isn't an adaptation of Hellenist idolatry, and then, additionally,
The Christian claim that Christianity and the Christian Church of 4th century C.E. Christian doctrines originated in 1st-century Judaism.
Neither proof has ever been demonstrated. Ever since the 3rd-4th-century quotations and redactions of Hegesippus by Eusebius, et al. when Roman Hellenist paganism evolved into Christianity, the âÌåÉéÄí have been mindlessly willing to "assume" what their clerics told them.
Nor is either proof possible, because each argument contradicts the historically documented facts. Rather than continuing to mindlessly "assume" all of the intractable contradictions of Christianity, as has always been "assumed" in the past, the burden of proof is entirely upon Christian apologists to present proofs of the diametric change from the centrality of
Instead of continuing to mindlessly "assume" 4th-century Christianity back into the polar opposite 1st-century Judaism, logic dictates that Christian apologists have the burden of proving (not merely suggesting that some remote possibility might exist) every step as they try to project 4th-century gentile, Roman, Hellenist Christianity and the Church backward – proving a transition of theological continuity through the hostile gentile Roman Hellenist take-over of 135 C.E. – to the known 1st century Judaism of (4Q) MMT.
Most importantly, since, according to the earliest extant Church historian, Eusebius (who wrote ca. 280-340 C.E.), the original followers of
Logic is then seen to expose the flimsiness of all of the Christian arguments, falling apart under scrutiny, while all of the firm evidence points to the opposite conclusion: there was no transition of theological continuity working back from 4th century Christianity past 135 C.E. to the 1st-century polar opposite,
To the contrary, the transition of theological continuity tracks the origins of everything that makes Christianity unique from Judaism clearly and directly back to Roman, Greek and Egyptian paganism!!!
When the same methodology is applied to today's Orthodox Judaism, however, one finds that it tracks clearly and directly back to the 1st-century
There is no point of theological convergence at any time in history. Ne'er the twain shall ever meet.
The unavoidable conclusion is that 4th-century Christianity is Displacement Theology and anyone who wishes to follow Ιησους.
"Christianity – For the first three centuries of Christianity, history is dependent on apologetic and religious writings; there are no chronicles (see patristic literature). Historians differ greatly on how far back the 4th-century picture of the church (which is quite clear [see, inter alia, The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue, A Study in the Origins of Anti-Semitism]) can be projected, especially respecting organization by bishops (each bishop a monarch in the church of his city), celebration of a liturgy entailing a sacrament and a sacrifice, and claims by the bishop of Rome to be head of all the churches (see papacy, below, and "Fabrication of the Popes" pages of our History Museum in menu above)." – The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 (excerpted from biblestudying.net).
"Papacy – There is no unequivocal evidence about the status of the pope in the earliest days of the church." – The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. (excerpted from biblestudying.net; emphasis added).
Additionally, we must recognize that Roman Catholic scholars are fond of referring to the early bishops of Rome by the title pope. However, in all fairness, to avoid being called for dishonest scholarship, Roman Catholic authors should make their readers aware that the title pope was not used in the early Church as it is employed by today's Roman Catholics (excerpted from biblestudying.net).
"Pope – The teaching of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) on the role of bishops the office and jurisdiction of the bishop of Rome, or the pope (Latin: papa, from the Greek pappas, "father"), who presides over the central government of the Roman Catholic church, the largest of the three major branches of Christianity. The term pope was originally applied to all the bishops in the West and also used to describe the patriarch of Alexandria, who still retains the title. In 1073, however, Gregory VII restricted its use to the bishop of Rome." – Britannica.com (see www.biblestudying.net for more in-depth treatment of the early Christian sources).
Our books and materials cite even the first Christian historians who noted that anti-
As bad, from the standpoint of the Christian Church, the
The Church couldn't effectively claim legitimacy for their Displacement Theology as long as the authentic original followers — the only legitimate followers of
Reflecting Christianity and Church doctrine that was already intensely antinomian (anti-Torâh / misojudaic) by the late 3rd century or early 4th century C.E., Eusebius reflects the Church's excoriations of the
that any remnant of the original followers of
that the earliest recorded church was rabidly anti-Torâh (antinomian),
that the original church (of 135 C.E.) was intensely misojudaic in repudiating the original Jewish followers of
that the original Jewish followers of
Hellenist Roman (gentile) Christians were already so distant from Judaism that most were totally ignorant of Hebrew; and none could distinguish the differences between the many Hellenist apostasies, Jewish and Roman gentile, that by then had spun off from the original
Fittingly, Eusebius in the 4th century, quotes Hegesippus (of the 2nd century) as admitting: "While in Rome, διαδοξήν ἐποιησάμην."
Even modern Church historians acknowledge that there is no documentation, and nothing reliable is known, of this fabricated and non-existent pre-3rd-century false claim of 1st century papal succession.
Christianity has always remained an apostasy, and can never be anything but the apostasy it was hatched. To follow the authentic historical