[Updated: 2023.09.18]
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Widow's mite (copper, actual size) |
Be a good steward or the resources with which
Tithing, Offerings beyond tithes — and charity beyond that — are each mi•tzᵊw•
"Bring all of the מַעֲשֵׂר to the בּית הָאוֹצָר and let it become טֶרֶף בְּבֵיתִי, then, prithee, test Me, said
י--ה of Armies; if I won't open the אֲרֻבּוֹת of the heavens and pour out a בְּרָכָה upon you עַד-בְּלִי-דָי [an idiom meaning "infinitely"] — Ma•lâkh•iꞋ ha-Nâ•viꞋ 3.10.
Indeed, Ma•
To practice Tor•
The correct (I•vᵊr•
Since it was given on Har Sin•
During the periods subsequent to the destructions of the Beit ha-Mi•qᵊ
"As it is written (Mᵊlâkh•imꞋ Beit 4.42), 'And a man came fromBaꞋal Shalishah bringing bread of the בִּכּוּרִים to the man of Ël•oh•imꞋ .' And how was it that Ël•i•shâꞋ ate the בִּכּוּרִים [since he was not a Ko•heinꞋ ], except to say to you that everyone who brings a present to a wise tal•midꞋ -[Tor•âhꞋ Jew] it even becomes a בִּכּוּרִים approach-offering [of the heavenly Beit ha-Mi•qᵊdâshꞋ ]." (Mᵊnor•atꞋ ha-Mâ•orꞋ byYi•tzᵊkhâqꞋ Abu•havꞋ 14).
Notice that Tor•
Paying מַעַשׂרוֹת, תְּרוּמוֹת and צְדָקָה to any person or organization who isn't practicing legitimate Tor•
When I began publishing about the Nᵊtzãr•imꞋ in 1972, no one in the world had seen or heard the term "Nᵊtzãr•imꞋ" (by any spelling) since around the 3rd century CE!
I literally wrote the book of the modern era on the original and definitive history of the original Nᵊtzãr•imꞋ Jews: The Nᵊtzârim Reconstruction of Hebrew Matitᵊyâhu !
Some websites may be doing the best they can to spread the word about this website, as I hope you will. But don't be misled by other websites claiming themselves to be authoritative Nᵊtzãr•imꞋ! They are neither original nor authoritative! NHM and this www.netzarim.co.il is the sole original, and most authoritative, website for the Nᵊtzãr•imꞋ in the modern world! You cannot relate to the historical Nᵊtzãr•imꞋ without NHM
And the only cost now is to pay it forward!
I've been retired for some time now from the (loss-producing) funding side of publishing my science-compatible (i.e. real-world, no fairy tales), historical research. I've since been dedicated exclusively to continued research in the historical, real-world underpinning of Ta•na״khꞋ and the Nᵊtzãr•imꞋ—periodically publishing the results of my research, as I complete and update them, exclusively in the pages (especially the glossary pages) of this website.
My advice to you is to dedicate your funds to Pay It Forward—by funding as necessary to: educate yourself in the vast definitions in these glossary and other pages, then educate your loved ones and friends to what you learn in this website, discuss the website with others, quote from this website in online comments sections of all kinds giving the proper citation (see bottom of page). You take the work forward by citing this website as the original work in the modern rebirth of the Nᵊtzãr•imꞋ!
See Errata to NHM note 23.23.2
(Tour begins in the 'Nәtzarim Quarter' Gate)
Biblical Requirements Different for Jews and Gentiles:
(Click in panel at left.)
Pay it forward (Quote & Cite):
Yirmeyahu Ben-David. Otzar (2023.09.18). Netzarim Jews Worldwide (Ra'anana, Israel). https://www.netzarim.co.il/Shared/Glossary/Treasury.htm (Retrieved: Month Da, 20##). |
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